Ordinary Sunday (Year C)
Reading: Ecclesiastes 1:2; 2:21-23
Second Reading: Colossians
3:1-5, 9-11 Gospel Reading:
Luke 12:13-21
day the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to
the country with the firm purpose of showing him just how poor
people can be. They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of
what could be considered a very poor family.
their return from
the trip, the father asked his son, “How
was the trip?”
was great, dad,”
the son replied.
you see how poor people can be?”
asked the father again.
said the son.
what did you learn from the trip?”
the father inquired.
son answered, “I
saw that we have one dog, and they have four. We have a pool that
reaches to the middle of our garden, and they have a creek that has
no end. We have imported lanterns in our garden, and they have stars
at night. Our patio reaches to the front yard, and they have the
whole horizon. We have a small piece of land to live on, and they
have fields that go beyond our sight. We have servants who serve us,
but they serve others. We have walls around our property to protect
us, but they have friends to protect them.”
this, the boy's father was speechless. Then his son added, “Thanks,
dad, for showing me how poor we are!”
man who shows his wealth is like a beggar, who actually shows his
poverty; they are both looking for alms – the rich man for the
alms of others' envy, the poor man for the alms of others' guilt.
is the 18th Sunday in Ordinary time. All the three
Scripture Readings of today are well connected in theme and fit
together like three panels of a colorful mural called “Set
your mind on things that are above, not on things that are on
earth.” In other words, they warn us of the need to
place our hope in the things of heaven, not on the passing things of
this world. That is to say that we have to 'rise
above materialism' and to strive for what is spiritual
and divine.
of vanities! All things are vanity!" These opening
lines of today’s First Reading from the Book of Ecclesiastes are
quite famous. The word 'Vanity,'
in Hebrew 'hebel,' literally
means 'breath'
or 'vapor'
and is used to indicate something that is transient, futile,
worthless, and empty.
"Vanity of vanities!
All things are vanity!" It
means that nothing lasts forever. It is a depressingly uncomfortable
statement. But however depressing it may sound, it is an important
statement because it calls our attention to that which is permanent.
Something is temporary only because there is eternity. To prove how
useless and vain the things of this life are, the author cites the
example of a man who worked intelligently and skillfully and produced
wealth and things of value. But he has to die and leave them to
someone else to enjoy who did nothing to produce them. This is
certainly foolishness on the part of man. That is 'vanity'
in the sense of 'worthlessness.'
all the toil and worry he has to leave them behind and go empty
John D. Rockefeller died at the age of 98 at the beginning of the
twentieth century, he was the wealthiest man in the world. And a
reporter who was assembling his obituary asked his chief aide, “Just
how much did your boss leave behind?”
The aide answered, “All of
The same is true for
us. We will leave behind whatever we do not invest above. And how sad
would it be, at the time of our death, if our bank account and
coffers here on earth were bulging full and our storehouse in heaven
is empty and bare.
of vanities! All things are vanity!" Ecclesiastes
therefore teaches us
how to find meaning in life and gives us the understanding that all
things in this life, the pleasures as well as the sufferings, are
empty and purposeless. It tells us that there will come a day when
all of us will be in our graves; so, it is useless to set out hearts
on things that must be left behind when we die. Instead we should
work at our relationship with God, because that will be the thing
that lasts. Our life on earth is a succession of trials and troubles,
labor and lamentations, folly and frustrations. But if the world is
seen in the light of God’s revelation, it is a gift of God to man,
the most useful and necessary gift. It is a bridge between our
earthly and our eternal life. It is different for those who toil for
spiritual labor. Their recompense is being accumulated in Heaven,
their rewards awaiting them on judgment day. Their spiritual
treasures will never depart from them.
Second Reading of today from St. Paul's Letter to the Colossians is
also on the same target. In this reading we are reminded that the
life of a Christian should reflect the values of Jesus. St. Paul
says, “Set
your mind on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.”
Paul is not telling us to close our eyes to mundane realities and,
hoping for the best, keep looking heavenwards. Rather he is urging us
to identify our understanding of life, our values, with those of God,
which have been communicated to us by the life and words of Jesus. He
reminds the Colossian community, and us too, that in Baptism we have
become new persons as we have been raised with Christ. There we find
the perfect image of God in Jesus who is the perfect pattern of life
for us. That's why St Paul counsels, “Put
to death then, the parts of you that are earthly: immorality,
impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness,
which is idolatry.
Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassion,
kindness, lowliness, meekness, and patience.”
In following Christ's
way, we are to 'strip
off old behavior and the old self.' In
Christ, we have put on a new self, which shares the same vision of
life and the same value system and the same goals as those that Jesus
proposes. It involves being ever more 'renewed
in the image of the creator,' of whom
Jesus is the perfect model. To grow more and more like Jesus is to
grow more and more into the image of God, by whom and for whom we
were created.
In this image there is no division, there is only unity and as Paul
says, “Christ
is all and in all.”
the Psalm today, Psalm 90, strikes this same note of 'putting
our trust only in God' and not in physical things. The
psalmist explains that when we are born we are like blades of grass
springing up anew at dawn, but by evening wither and fade. The
psalmist prays that we can gain the wisdom that lets us see that God
is our end, and so live our lives on a path to that end, shouting joy
and gladness all our days because we seek the Lord. Let this new
place of worship be where we can shout joy and gladness to the Lord,
and keep us on that right path.
so often happens, Jesus tells a parable because someone has asked him
a question. The Gospel Reading of today from St. Luke starts with
someone in the crowd asking Jesus to adjudicate between him and his
brother - “Master, tell my brother to give
me a share of our inheritance.” It wasn't uncommon to
bring such disputes to a rabbi to be solved. But Jesus declines, and
tells the man that he is not a lawyer or arbitrator; and in response,
he warns the crowd about the trap of earthly possessions and cautions
them to watch against avarice or greed - “Take
care to guard against all greed, for though one may be rich, one's
life does not consist of possessions.” Then to
illustrate his point Jesus tells 'the
Parable of the Rich Fool,' which relates not only to the
situation of the two brothers, but also validates the earlier
readings that we have heard today.
parable highlights the inevitable connection between riches and
death. In the parable, there is a rich man whose lands have yielded
more crops than expected. He
wondered what to do with it. He decided to tear down his barns and
build larger ones in which to store his grains and other goods for
the future.
Then he will have many things stored up for years of eating,
drinking, and making merry. He has what he thinks is a brilliant
idea. In his own eyes, he has been
really 'successful.' But all of
his industrious planning is cut short, for God tells him, "You
fool! This very night your life will be demanded of you; and the
things you have prepared, to whom will they belong?"
The rich man eagerly looked forward to a life of abundance and
leisure, unaware that he was to die that very night.
Surely, the parable does
not deny the need to plan for the future, but it asks us to look at
wealth from the ultimate perspective. The man in the parable is
called a fool, not because he is stupid, but because he does not
appreciate the true purpose of his wealth. In the midst of his good
fortune he has lost the sense of what is really important. For him
the acquisition of material goods has become an end in itself. He
imagines that he can control his life. Possessions create this kind
of illusion. The rich man is really poor in the sight of God. He does
not realize all that he has is a gift from God and does not even
think about the possibility of sharing what he has with others.
Jesus concluded the
parable with the words, “Thus will it be
for the one who stores up treasure for himself but is not rich in
what matters to God.” The indictment against those who
are obsessed with material possessions should make us focus on what
is essential. Here there is sharp division between the essential and
the non-essential … eternal possessions and temporal possessions.
Gospel Reading speaks of the right attitude towards possessions. On
the first level Jesus is addressing the young man’s brother perhaps
who is being selfish in not sharing his inheritance. On the other
hand, he is talking to us and saying that we need to put our trust in
God and not in fleeting material things, just as we heard in the
other readings also.
Possessions are necessary
for life. But possessions can assume such an importance in one’s
life that they become obsessions. When one is so consumed with the
things that one could have, so much so that one no longer hears the
urgent call of God, then one has indeed got one’s priorities all
mixed up. Quite honestly, for many of us Christians these priorities
often take precedence over our following of Christ. But, a person's
does not consist of possessions. There
is more to life than the accumulation of possessions. What one has
accumulated, he has to leave behind. No matter how wide one’s lands
might be, at the end he would lie on a narrow piece of soil. We
cannot bring along even a single nail from our coffin. Likewise, if
ever we have accumulated knowledge it is best left behind as wisdom
for those whom we have counseled and mentored.
has indeed blessed us enormously, but we need to 'rise
above materialism,' we
need to share our blessings, we need to find ways to build up our
accounts in heaven. And this is the Good News of today.